Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Into the light

Chester passed peacefully into the light at 11:22pm. During his goodbye with Chrys on the phone, Chester grabbed my hand and pulled it to his chest. He had some episodes of fear and spasms during the evening and then slipped into a coma, still clinging my hand to my chest. He slipped into Cheyne-Stokes breathing, which probably meant that the pressure was building in his head. Once Nancy got home and family members were called, his breathing changed again and his blood pressure plummeted. Alone in his room, I quietly crawled into his bed. I laid his head on my breasts, held our hands over his heart and he took one final breath.

They have just taken away his body and we are crawling off for some much needed sleep. I will post more tomorrow.


Blogger Barbara Carrellas said...

At around midnight or just a bit after (11 pm Chester's time) I felt the overwhelming need to send Chester some sex magic. It felt like he needed a loving push to move on---sort of like, "Oh come on now you, this is silly, get outta here."

As I connected with Chester, holding my favorite picture of him in my mind, this is pretty much what I said to him. I told him that we all wanted to see him again and how could we do that if he was trapped in that useless body. We "chatted" for a little bit. After my orgasm we laughed and I told him I loved him. Almost instantly I felt him start to leave. He moved back and back and back until his picture disappeared. Then I saw him as energy and he was enveloping the whole earth, touching everyone around the earth who loved him with the same elegant touch that he used to practice and teach.

I then fell asleep, both missing the physical Chester and feeling the energeticChester safe and near me. I guess that's how I missed Bean's call just a little while later.

Well done, Chester. Great life, great death.You've proven to me that death really can be an orgasm. Thanks for sharing---once again! I love you---always and forever.

Bean, you are a treasure. I am sending you all the love and strength and blessings I can imagine.

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that matters,
at the end of a stay on earth, is

How well did you love?
What was the quality of your love?

Richard Bach, Illusions

Chester's life mattered...I see it in the people whose lives he touched.


9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am stagnant and at this time and more over in a place of relief that you have flown the coup.... rid yourself of your failing, but always cute, joyous, gracious and sweet body. We will connect again dear one... you more than anyone I have ever met have honoured the words of Ghandi "BE the change you wish to see in the world" and delivered the joys of the child within with such love for you is unfailing... and to those that we worked, loved and lived together my love for you is also unfailing... our circle is open our connection never be broken...may the peace of the Goddess be ever in our know who you are.... deepest and greatest respect... Hayley

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

soft tears and tiredness when I feel everyone who has lovingly held Chester in this journey - what incredible human beings you all are

I want to rub your feet and to gently stroke all of your necks

Good job Chester - I hope you enjoy the new digs

I really enjoyed your story Anne of the dragonfly thank you, it increases my joy around those amazing creatures... bless you


4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wanted to express deep gratitude to all who took care of Chester during his illness. Having gone through a lot of changes in my life in the past few months I could not be of support nearly as much as I wish I could. And my only consolation is that God/Goddess was with him through all of you.

Bean, you are in my heart, the last angel to hold him as he stepped into the light.

I feel deeply privileged to have known Chester and to be among his students. I vow to pass his teaching through Women's Temple work to thousands and perhaps more in the US and Russia.

May Chester's newly found freedom from his body be filled with eternal joy till he comes back (if he chooses to :) into a wonderful healthy baby body to live again.

With tears and gratitude,
Diana Soline

1:03 PM  

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