Healthy Chester
I have been thinking of the name I gave this project, "Healthy Chester," when I set up the blog and later the site. It represented what I teach: to focus on what you want, not what you don't want.
Now that it is quite clear that Chester will not be returned to the vision of physical, corporeal health that I desired from the beginning (even with a slight Buddha belly :o} ), I've wondered what the name now means. In the larger context, I know that Chester is quite healthy: his spirit has not been damaged one iota from this experience, and has perhaps been purified further. He has always shone brightly, and I know that will continue once he leaves this form.
Chester's light is one of the primary forces that has led me to the place I am right now: healthy, happy, growing. I know he has done this for many people reading this blog. So in my mind I'm transforming the name "Healthy Chester" to mean peaceful transition, when he will be restored to full health.
I send thoughts and prayers for peace to Chester continuously. Thank you for the request, Bean.
Now that it is quite clear that Chester will not be returned to the vision of physical, corporeal health that I desired from the beginning (even with a slight Buddha belly :o} ), I've wondered what the name now means. In the larger context, I know that Chester is quite healthy: his spirit has not been damaged one iota from this experience, and has perhaps been purified further. He has always shone brightly, and I know that will continue once he leaves this form.
Chester's light is one of the primary forces that has led me to the place I am right now: healthy, happy, growing. I know he has done this for many people reading this blog. So in my mind I'm transforming the name "Healthy Chester" to mean peaceful transition, when he will be restored to full health.
I send thoughts and prayers for peace to Chester continuously. Thank you for the request, Bean.
I only know Chester through a very dear friend here in Tucson, but over the past eight months I've come to a very deep respect for who Chester is and what he has done. I just wish I had met Chester and had known him as all of his friends have. Peace, love and abundant joy to all of you during this time. Jim
Annie Sprinkle here, a big Chester deciple. Thinking of all of you who love Chester, and sending my love and good wishes. And Chester, one last time, THANK YOU for being a huge inspiration, and wonderful collaborator in life; especially in love, sex, humor workshop facilitating and healing.
Dear Chester,
There are so many things still to say between friends. The love runs deep, the respect genuine. You are the best teacher I've ever known. And here you continue, by being who you are, through Bean's thoughtful, caring words. So much love to share: From you, to you, among all of your friends. Thanks for being you, for all of us.
Thank you so much for all the excellent instruction, delicious bodywork, and especially for the sacred moments in your studio with Jeff.
P.S. Ram Dass once quoted Ramtha as saying "Death is like taking off a too-tight shoe."
(and you don't even have to worry about your feet stinking.)
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