Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Move is a Success!

Whew. (!)

A good amount of work the past week has gone into carving out our own space for this site on the net at, as you are well aware, dear reader. I have successfully moved the blog from the free hosting at (many blessings to them!). That was a bit tricky, and it worked. I hope no one is lost along the way.

I've also set up a new forum, which I think you will really enjoy and value. You can get there here:

Please keep in mind that everything in here is still very new - you can probably still smell the virtual paint.

I was hoping to celebrate the birth of this new site while folks near the bay were celebrating Chester's birthday. I didn't exactly make that timing, and I'm pleased with the roll-out nonetheless.

Please let me know if there are bugs anywhere, as well as suggestions for improvements. My goal is to make this site work to further improve all the connections we already have.

This has really been a labor of love.

I'm exhausted, and I'm going to bed. Sweet dreams to all.

P.S. OK, I see that you hit dead air when clicking on pictures. I'll fix that soon. :S :)


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