Monday, August 29, 2005

Visualization for Chester

I received the following e-mail from Chester's friend Barbara. I thought it was something everyone must hear (or read). Here it is. Marilyn
Hello everyone,

I had the pleasure of spending the past 5 days with Chester. We has a precious time. We shared laughter, rage, tears, shock and amazement at this sudden change of everything we previously thought we knew about life, specifically, Chester's life. Through it all, Chester remains the same cheeky bugger we all know and love---maybe even more so.

Not surprisingly, one of the conversations we had was about Chester's fear of not waking up from the surgery. Chester is very very clear that he wants to survive this process and thrive thereafter. I told him not to worry. Each of us has a tether tied to him so tightly, he couldn't die if he wanted to! He loved that image. In fact he loved it so much that he would appreciate it if we would all hold that vision during surgery on Tuesday.

So, at 11:30 am Pacific time on Tuesday (that's 4:30 am Wed. in Melbourne & Sydney), please tie your own personal tether (exotic tethers welcomed) to your favorite place(s) on Chester's body (creativity welcomed) and hang on tight!!!

Chester thanks you.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry if this shows up twice - I'm a little unclear on the technology.

A nurse - a wonderfully compassionate member of my spiritual community here in Texas - just let me know that her sister-in-law lived for 10 years with a glioblastoma! More is possible than we might suspect!

Chester and I have been egging each other on for about 30 years. I've been sending him goodness for days (heck - years!), and I'm ready to go tomorrow during surgery.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight, as we breathed together and prepared for tomorrow's surgery, Chester requested that I read to him Walt Whitman's "I sing the body electric". It was an perfect call-to-arms for the evening, a celebration of our BodySouls, a tribute to the flesh. This would be a good poem to read tomorrow as you send your love to Chester and his healing team.

The first lines:
"I sing the Body electric;
The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them;
They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,
And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the Soul."

Together, we are an army of lovers, breathers, and healers. Let us engirth one another with Love and Light.

Chester's body is very much alive and in full support of his journey tomorrow. May your body/soul be nourished and hydrated with the generous liquids of love and connection.

Charged Full with the Soul,

Chrys Curtis-Fawley

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For others like me who want to have lots of technical details, there is an excellent, up-to-date article on glioblastoma at
It's heavily laden with medical jargon and is aimed at physicians, but if you have some familiarity with that world, it will give you the Western-medical point of view in considerable detail.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have you secured tighly and double with my mountain gear that gave me safety when climbing the highest peaks.

Henry Miller's sentence accompanies me throughout my life:
"Madame, there are always two paths to take; one back towards the comforts and security of death, the other forward to nowhere.


8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took my leather strap out of my bag at 10:45 and began my meditative walk from work to St. James, working the strap like a good Presbyterian would a rosary. Lit a candle and said the Prayer of St. Francis (Patron Saint of Terriers and the men who love them). While in the pew, I breathed and tied the strap to my wrist, with an extra long tail extending southward to Alta Bates, where it is snugly tied around Chester's left pinkie. Cool part - how deeply conscious my breathing was all day, with him at the other end of this tether. Blessings to All. -A Student in Seattle

4:53 PM  

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