Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Good News

Chester got some really good news yesterday. The CAT Scan showed no metastases in his body, which means that the tumors in his brain are not a cancer that has moved from his body into his brain. Its all in his head! He has an appointment with a doctor today to figure out the next steps.

For those of you who do not know the full extent of what has happened to Chester, this is the story. Around May he started getting what he thought was a tick on the right side of his face. After a week or so of that, he started having a finger or two go numb. He assumed that it was due to a misalignment of his vertebrae, and consulted with his chiropractor. That helped, but kept coming back. By July, he had started having spasms in his arm. When I went with him to a doctor's appointment, that was the first time I saw one, and I realized that it was a seizure. At that time he was able to use his arm and hand. Things went downhill slowly from that point. The MRI at that time showed the three tumors. He slowly lost the use of his hand and arm (which now just hang off his shoulder), and his speech has slowly gotten more and more difficult. It seems that his brain is having a hard time telling the lips, tongue and whatever else is used to talk, how to form words. He is also starting to have difficultly reading e-mail, which also takes communication between brain and eyes. If you send e-mail, send it as large print, and double or triple space the lines. He may be able to read it himself. I have been reading some to him, so keep sending messages. The messages sent here will be read to him.

Enough for now. I will update as soon as we hear about his doctor appointment today.



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