Thursday, August 25, 2005

Update August 25, 2005 from Marilyn

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the slow start of keeping this updated. A couple of people who were going to update have not been able to get on to the right place to do so...Ah, technology. So you get my right-brained intuitive way of telling you what has happened. Chester went to see the neurological doctor (I believe that is what he is) for the final diagnosis. He believes that the tumors are the worst kind Chester could possibly have. Someone else will have to tell you what they are called. So action needs to be taken immediately. Chester will have surgery on Tuesday August 30, 2005. He will then spend one day in intensive care, and then five more days in the hospital. That is the basic outline so far. Others will fill in more details and/or more concrete explanations.

I have been receiving many requests regarding financial support for Chester. We are working on this, and will have more information soon. Since he will be having a big financial burden, anything is most welcome and gratefully accepted. The other need is for prayers/healing energy/other wuwu practices, that will have a positive effect on Chester. They have done blind studies regarding prayer and healing, and in that study, those who received the prayer (without knowing, and no one even knew each other) recovered from heart surgery much faster and with less recover time. Sorry, don't have the name of the study, or the concrete information on it, just that they found out it had a powerful effect. The less detailed, the more it worked. So think/pray/image him to health and bsti-ness.

Also, if there are people you know who may not have heard what Chester is dealing with right now, please pass on any information to them. There are some who do not have e-mail addresses, or may have changed theirs and not updated with Body Electric (from where most of the e-mails were sent). Send the blog site, or the e-mail me at: .

I will try to keep the blog updated daily, if I can. Definitely I will post on Tuesday. I (or we) will let you know when we have more information.

Thank you all for your love, care and concern. We are all part of that.


Blogger Jay Edgar said...

I updated the sentence about where to send donations and replaced it with "We are working on this, and will have more information soon.". /jte

8:27 PM  

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