Monday, April 09, 2007

Embodying the Memory

Dear Friends,

Yesterday afternoon, a group of Chester's friends, students and family gathered in his beloved classroom. The circle was a simple ceremony of remembering. We shared stories of Chester and invocations of his teachings. Delightful food was shared, breath moved in the circle and we filled the room with the laughter, love, and heartfulness that Chester brought each day to the classroom.

My only invitation to the circle was to really remember Chester's teachings. And to remember, we must bring them into practice, embody and animate the teachings. Chester offered each of us so much, giving deep and loving permission to all those parts of us that were ready to emerge. The thing I heard the most yesterday, and indeed in all my conversations about Chester, is this: "He changed my life." With this profound recognition, we each must make a daily choice to continue breathing fully, touching with presence and grace, and relating from the truest part of ourselves.

This is my daily practice- continuing to learn from Chester as I deepen my embodiment and awaken the wisdom of my body. For this was Chester's central invitation: a relaxed, awake awareness of the vastness within.

With love,


Monday, April 02, 2007

Typical Chester

Hi All,
A friend of mine who lives here in the Cincinnati area called me tonight. She had been at a church meeting last night, and had a message for me. There were two people at the workshop she was attending from Camp Chesterfield (even that name cracks me up). Camp Chesterfield is a Psychic Religious Grouping that has a housing area north of Indianapolis, IN. I have been there before for psychic prayer, and they have gatherings where they pass on messages from people who have passed. I have never had a message passed on to me, though I have worked with and loved many people who have passed on. They have gatherings like the guy who passes on messages on that TV show, I just can't remember his name, James somebody (I blame the lapse of memory on menopause, because I can).

Anyway, my friend Peggy told me that she had already been given a personal message and people usually do not get more than one message from spirit per session. So she was not expecting anything when the man came back to her area of the room. He said that he had a message for someone that needed to be passed on to a friend. She thought nothing of it until he asked if the name Chester meant anything to anyone. She said no one else responded, so she raised her hand and said she had a friend who just had a good friend pass from this world.

The psychic said that Chester had lingered physically, but his spirit left quickly (that seems typical of Chester - he always walked three steps ahead of me, no matter how desperately I tried to catch up... he just walked faster). The main message for me was, "I'm a lot better off than you are." My immediate reaction was to laugh, because that's a Chester statement if I ever heard one. I could just hear him laughing, and pointing at me while doing so.

I'm not one to go and get psychic readings, though I have had some powerful psychic experiences and have had a few readings in my life. I was really curious about Camp Chesterfield when I heard about it 12 years ago. I found it really interesting, but I did not have any powerful experiences there and just found it interesting. To have this message come to me out of the blue has made Chester more present to me than anything so far. I want to go visit again, if nothing else because its called Camp CHESTERfield.

My friend mentioned that she had written down the statements being made on an envelope, but she could not locate the envelope this evening. If there is anything else that might be meaningful to anyone, I will certainly pass it on. May the dragonfly be with you.

My love to all, Marilyn