Marching Forward
I arrived back at Chester's loft this morning after four nights away. These short periods away always bring lots of perspective, both on my own experience of being with Chester through this journey as well as a fresh perspective on Chester's health itself. When I arrived this morning, Chester looked wonderfully radiant and healthy. For day two of his intensive chemotherapy course, he looked full of energy and had a heightened sense of humor (even for Chester it was high). A few periods of brief fatigue yesterday, but overall the chemotherapy continues to agree with him (as his friend Barbara wrote to Chester last month "Leave it to you to be so weird that chemo AGREES WITH YOU!!!")
After settling in with Chester and getting updated on the weekend's details from Gil, I decided to make a trip to the bakery to get some breakfast scones. On my way out of Chester's gated parking lot, I got into a little car bang-up. I was following a contractor's truck out of the gate, and after he pulled forward he then threw his truck into reverse to park on the street right next to the gate, and I had already rolled forward enough to get hit. No one was hurt (always the important thing), but the right front bumper of Chester's car is pretty banged up. The car is driveable, also important, so we haven't decided if we are going to get the needed repairs yet or to file a claim or not or what. But that was a piece of excitement that we didn't need in our day. Jaime arrived just as I was standing on the curb waiting for the police officer and exchanging information with the other driver. Sigh. I ended up walking to the bakery a little later to help clear the adrenaline from my system.
Today was supposed to be the last day of Chester's Rehab Without Walls therapies. But when Jennie the speech therapist arrived, she told us that insurance had agreed on one more week of coverage (yet another little gift from the insurance allies). But because of the therapist's schedules, both of the additional sessions are scheduled for tomorrow, making the "extra week" really an "extra day". But we'll take whatever assistance we can get. Chester is specifically working with them now on maximizing comfort and safety with his new bed, which has been very comfortable for him but still he still has some strategies to master. As Chester's time with his rehab therapists comes to a close, I am reminded of how much great work they have offered Chester, and how important they have been as allies in this process. There was all of the core work of assisting Chester in learning to walk, articulate and communicate clearly, take care of his right arm, ambulate safely in the home, and maintain and build strength and flexibility in this changed body of his. They also offered us countless strategies for thinking creatively and problem-solving all the new complexities of moving around in the world in a hemiplegic body. From all the velcro straps and non-slip padding devices to finding surfaces to stretch out Chester's right hand while out in the community, the Rehab Without Walls crew offered so much support and assistance during the past five months. This was a critical learning phase not only for Chester but for his "companion crew" as well. With our strong bodywork foundation, we were able to learn so much and deepen our sensitivity to how to best support Chester's body as it regenerates and finds new balance. I am proud of our work- immensely proud of Chester for his dedication and incredible spirit since day one, and proud of all the friends who have "been with" his body so well. After six months, his arm is still supple and relaxed and has not locked into a retracted position. After six months, he is walking with confidence and trust. After six months, he has only had a few minor falls and no major injuries. All major victories in my mind.
We now shift attention to the task of moving from Forest Lane, packing up and making decisions on all of Chester's belongings. We were due to start the move tomorrow, but Chester will be doing his two therapy sessions instead and then a friend is bringing dinner. But I've already begun the process from this end, organizing the space so we can fit more stuff down here and maximize the storage potential of this apartment.
Stay tuned for more information on informal day classes and other opportunities to spend time and learn with Chester- we are still figuring out the details but will let you all know as soon as possible! And my digital camera is back up and working so look out for more current pictures coming soon!
After settling in with Chester and getting updated on the weekend's details from Gil, I decided to make a trip to the bakery to get some breakfast scones. On my way out of Chester's gated parking lot, I got into a little car bang-up. I was following a contractor's truck out of the gate, and after he pulled forward he then threw his truck into reverse to park on the street right next to the gate, and I had already rolled forward enough to get hit. No one was hurt (always the important thing), but the right front bumper of Chester's car is pretty banged up. The car is driveable, also important, so we haven't decided if we are going to get the needed repairs yet or to file a claim or not or what. But that was a piece of excitement that we didn't need in our day. Jaime arrived just as I was standing on the curb waiting for the police officer and exchanging information with the other driver. Sigh. I ended up walking to the bakery a little later to help clear the adrenaline from my system.
Today was supposed to be the last day of Chester's Rehab Without Walls therapies. But when Jennie the speech therapist arrived, she told us that insurance had agreed on one more week of coverage (yet another little gift from the insurance allies). But because of the therapist's schedules, both of the additional sessions are scheduled for tomorrow, making the "extra week" really an "extra day". But we'll take whatever assistance we can get. Chester is specifically working with them now on maximizing comfort and safety with his new bed, which has been very comfortable for him but still he still has some strategies to master. As Chester's time with his rehab therapists comes to a close, I am reminded of how much great work they have offered Chester, and how important they have been as allies in this process. There was all of the core work of assisting Chester in learning to walk, articulate and communicate clearly, take care of his right arm, ambulate safely in the home, and maintain and build strength and flexibility in this changed body of his. They also offered us countless strategies for thinking creatively and problem-solving all the new complexities of moving around in the world in a hemiplegic body. From all the velcro straps and non-slip padding devices to finding surfaces to stretch out Chester's right hand while out in the community, the Rehab Without Walls crew offered so much support and assistance during the past five months. This was a critical learning phase not only for Chester but for his "companion crew" as well. With our strong bodywork foundation, we were able to learn so much and deepen our sensitivity to how to best support Chester's body as it regenerates and finds new balance. I am proud of our work- immensely proud of Chester for his dedication and incredible spirit since day one, and proud of all the friends who have "been with" his body so well. After six months, his arm is still supple and relaxed and has not locked into a retracted position. After six months, he is walking with confidence and trust. After six months, he has only had a few minor falls and no major injuries. All major victories in my mind.
We now shift attention to the task of moving from Forest Lane, packing up and making decisions on all of Chester's belongings. We were due to start the move tomorrow, but Chester will be doing his two therapy sessions instead and then a friend is bringing dinner. But I've already begun the process from this end, organizing the space so we can fit more stuff down here and maximize the storage potential of this apartment.
Stay tuned for more information on informal day classes and other opportunities to spend time and learn with Chester- we are still figuring out the details but will let you all know as soon as possible! And my digital camera is back up and working so look out for more current pictures coming soon!
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