Friday, February 17, 2006


A posting from Chester's companion this week, posted via Chrys:

J. Franklin here, visiting this week from Boston; met Bill as he headed back to Hawaii.

Delightful, busy Valentine's Day with 5 hours of OT and PT. Chester produced a cherry compote Valentine dessert in the second session.

Wednesday almost as busy. A Rehab Without Walls PT fieldtrip to a giant Asian supermarket to stock up on daifuku and lychees. I got to meet those famous blog personalities Jaime and Marilyn for the first time. Marilyn is helping fix up the apt. next door where Chester's Mom and Nancy will stay next week. We shared a lovely moment dancing to Billie Holiday. Joseph Kramer and Dylan Vade joined us for sushi dinner; Chester of course ordering for all. What a swell bunch o' guys. Chester was up till midnight from the great energy.

Thursday--today--we had a quiet morning listening to ABBA and sorting computer photo albums. 4 hours of speech therapy and OT. This time Chester prepared poached salmon and yams. Good improvement over last few days in endurance, speech, energy. And lotsa lotsa great food.


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