Thursday, December 08, 2005

JE Day 3: Important News

This is brief. It is very late, it has been a very long day, and I should really just go to sleep.

Up at 6:15 to get to infusion at 8. Delay. Race across the bay bridge to wait at the next consultation appointment with Chrys & Jaime. Delay. Race back across to get to ultrasound to check Chester's arm due to the edema (swelling). Chester has two clots in his right arm - one above the elbow, another below the shoulder. This is significant.

We went to get the last vanco infusion at 4:30 and met with the Nurse Practitioner on the clots. Normal treatment for clots is blood thinner, which can be dangerous given the possibility of bleeding starting at the surgery site (which would be very bad). Solution: sub-therapeutic level of Lovenox (blood thinner related to Heparin) to balance risk of bleeding with danger from clots. One week course, daily shot. Shot will be given now at hospital, hope to be able to administer at home (easier than giving my cat subcutaneous fluids...). We will also focus on elevating the arm 3-4 times per day for 20-30 minutes each.

Late for dinner with Gil and JD, who graciously didn't mind and helped me catch up on a bit of house work (how does Chrys do it?). I helped Chester to bed at 10 or so, and had a very hard cry with him - I've felt it coming and there it was. I'm sad and angry this is happening to him. While he was with me, he didn't have the same level of emotion - he's already been dealing with this. Enough of me; back to him.

I updated the team's shared calendar and prepared all tasks to accomplish tomorrow - it's a big list. I'll have time while he has PT & ST (speech therapy). Hopefully I can nap somewhere in there.

Please focus diligently on Chester over the next week. These clots need to be moved out safely.
Thanks. Gnight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Jay,

What a time you are having. I am so glad you are there with Chester right now. I know how much he loves you and altho this must be hell on you, I know it's also perfect---for both of you.

Thank you for your stunningly complete posts. I almost feel like I ma actually there with you. And that's a good thing as it makes it easier for me to focus on Chester in a very specific way. Thank you thank you thank you. And please kiss Chester for me.


8:23 AM  

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