Saturday, December 24, 2005

Holiday Wish List

Happy Holy Days, everyone! May this week be full of relaxation, comfort, and joy.

Christmas is quiet around here. Tonight, I'll be cooking a crown roast of lamb and some easy vegetables for Chester and I, a decadent but simple feast. Tomorrow Jaime arrives and will spend Christmas day with Chester while I celebrate my lover's birthday with a hike and massage. First thing in the morning on the 25th and 26th we'll make an excursion to the emergency room to get Chester's daily blood thinner injection. We've been told to get there early, as we'll have to wait with the rest of the folks in the ER. Today the nurse giving Chester his injection quipped "Cancer sure doesn't take a holiday". . . but we are doing our best to take some extra time for rest and reflection.

Chester, Jaime and I have spent many hours over the past week trying to figure out how we can continue to make it all work. We've realized that caring for Chester has become a full-time job for all three of us. The support and generosity from all of you has been constant and much appreciated, and we now ask for a recommitment of support for the New Year. Please read on for Chester's (and the Healthy Chester Team's) Wish List for Assistance and Support.

1* Financial Support.
Chester's medical expenses continue to grow, and we are bracing ourselves for the coming cost of round 2 of chemotherapy. Your contributions are endlessly appreciated and much needed. Please keep those checks coming! Even if it seems like a modest donation, please know that it is valued and welcomed.

2* Meals.
If you live locally, please consider joining us for dinner. After our long and busy days, having a meal with friends is a great source of relief and enjoyment. Home-cooked meals, take-out, or sushi runs are all most welcome! Please call or email Chester directly to set up a dinner date.

3* In-Home Assistance.
Chester needs ongoing companionship and assistance. Live-In Assistance includes a range of duties, including assisting Chester in getting dressed, driving to medical appointments, preparing meals and other household chores. Jaime and I have been serving in this role most of the time, joined by very welcome guests from out of town. We need help! If you would be interested in joining the core "Healthy Chester Team" and are able to commit to spending several days and nights living with Chester, please be in touch. Locals and Out-of-Towners alike are welcome, just please be able to devote several consecutive days. Living with Chester is an amazing experience; being immersed in exquisite presence, witnessing his daily rehabilitation, and sharing the rare intimacy of caretaking. Please consider offering some of your time and energy to support Chester's daily living.

4* Logistical Assistance.
We have begun the process of applying for Social Security Disability Income, Medical, and other public assistance programs. This is a fairly simple but detail-oriented process, but with the possibility of securing much-needed financial help. We do not have the time or focus right now to get through the paperwork, and are seeking someone who could spearhead that initiative. This would involve gathering Chester's paperwork, filling out applications, visiting local offices and being persistent with the application process. Are you able to be our Admin Angel?

5* Energy, Prayers, and LOVE!
Please continue sending all of your healing and loving energy to Chester. We feel it pouring in, and are grateful for the unwavering support from all of you. As the New Year turns, please consider a moment of rededication. Reflect again on the teaching and transformative friendship that Chester offered you over the years, and allow that to be a well-spring of energy for you.

You can always be in touch with Chester directly at I (Chrys) can be reached at The phone number of the loft is 510.658.8538. Please keep the support and friendship flowing. If you have offered assistance in the past and no one followed through with you, please offer again! We got many offers of meals and companionship while Chester was in the hospital, and I know I personally was not always able to keep up with it all. Please renew your offer, and know that you are very much appreciated. We are ALL the "Healthy Chester Team". We have ALL been part of this incredible process, and we will continue to be connected into the new year.

If _you_ have any "wishes" for _us_, please let me know. Is there anything you are curious about that hasn't been covered in the blog? Anything you want pictures of in particular? Other wishes? Be in touch!

With Love and Gratitude,

on behalf of Chester Mainard and the entire Healthy Chester Team


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