Calling All Kitchen Angels
Dear Friends,
Chester is gratefully receiving donations of meals and food to nourish him during his continued rehabilitation and treatments. I will be coordinating the flock of kitchen angels, with the aim of always having meals on hand for Chester and his assistants. I will also be keeping a dynamic list of Chester's "favorites and requests". I hope that this coordination makes it easier for all of us Chefs and Cooks to provide food in an efficient and graceful flow.
If you would like to join the team of "Healthy Chester Chefs", please email me directly at In your email, please indicate your availability for cooking and delivering meals to Chester's loft in Emeryville. Below are a few general suggestions and guidelines. I will be in touch with all the Chefs with requests/information each week.
Chester is currently enjoying:
+ Whole foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh healthy meats (especially fish), and comforting rice and potatoes
+ Mild to moderately spicy foods
+ Soft textures
+ Warm food (not too cold or too hot, just right!)
+ Comfort foods, including cottage cheese, apple sauce and jello.
+ Meals that are brought prepared or ready-to-assemble
- Not too spicy, not too acidic, belly-pleasing foods
Please be in touch if you would like to bring a meal or other food to Chester. Many thanks!
Chrys Curtis-Fawley
Chester is gratefully receiving donations of meals and food to nourish him during his continued rehabilitation and treatments. I will be coordinating the flock of kitchen angels, with the aim of always having meals on hand for Chester and his assistants. I will also be keeping a dynamic list of Chester's "favorites and requests". I hope that this coordination makes it easier for all of us Chefs and Cooks to provide food in an efficient and graceful flow.
If you would like to join the team of "Healthy Chester Chefs", please email me directly at In your email, please indicate your availability for cooking and delivering meals to Chester's loft in Emeryville. Below are a few general suggestions and guidelines. I will be in touch with all the Chefs with requests/information each week.
Chester is currently enjoying:
+ Whole foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh healthy meats (especially fish), and comforting rice and potatoes
+ Mild to moderately spicy foods
+ Soft textures
+ Warm food (not too cold or too hot, just right!)
+ Comfort foods, including cottage cheese, apple sauce and jello.
+ Meals that are brought prepared or ready-to-assemble
- Not too spicy, not too acidic, belly-pleasing foods
Please be in touch if you would like to bring a meal or other food to Chester. Many thanks!
Chrys Curtis-Fawley